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My exhibitions

2015. I have been painting for more than 20 years, entirely self-taught, a status that I claim: art is an emanation of oneself, the resurgence of emotions that one will seek in the depths of one's being, and as such cannot be can therefore be taught, well, that's my opinion. I worked in series (still lifes, shoes, homeless portraits) then abstract landscapes The only subject of my work is now  the portrait of humanity, a disenchanted humanity in my opinion...


During these 20 years, I have exhibited a lot:



Gallery The Red Coast -Caen

Galerie d'Orgeval - (participation in the Shanghai – China fair)

Corinne Roux Gallery - Honfleur

Gallery Art au Carré -Angers – Small formats

Carré d'artistes Gallery - (Aix, Lyon, Paris Lille, Toulouse, Barcelona) - Small formats

“Where I fell in love” gallery – England – Shipston on Stour

Art Collection Gallery - Colmar

Soizic Laute Gallery – Rennes

Gallery A 7 echo – Auvillar

Little Van Gogh-placement of works in companies (Belgium)

Art up Gallery (Paris-Lyon)

Open Art Gallery – Dijon

Gallery "L'atelier Blanche" -Giverny (June/July 2013)

Radar Arthotek – Bayeux

H2O Gallery – Magdeburg - Germany - in residence December 2012- July 2014

since March  2017: Jansanet gallery - Troyes  

Guest of the cultural services:

Montivilliers (76) – in 1999 and 2011

Flakes ( 76 )

Gonfreville l'Orcher (76)

Large Crown (76)

La Pommerage (Genval - Belgium)

Teltow (Germany-Berlin) October 2012

Ifs (14-Caen): April 2014


Markets and fairs:

Clairac Fair (47) -

Salon of Our Lady of Gravenchon (76)

Biennial of St Romain (76)

La Perrière art market (61) -2007-2008-2009-2010

Art market of St Cénéri le Gérei (61): 2008

GMAC Paris Bastille

Châtillon en Diois Festival (26): August 2007-2008-2009-2010

Banne Art Festival (07): May 2012-2013-2014

Salon of St Nicolas d'Alliermont (76-Dieppe) May 2014 (abstract art and large formats)

MAC Paris 2016 - November December

On the net: Aralya festival: September October, November 2016:

Honfleur Salt Warehouses, April 2017/April 2018 with Contre Courant

Artcité : September 2017- Fontenay sous bois

Salon Figuration Critique October 2017  : Paris /Bastille....October 2017: Aralya magazine award

The magazine Miroir de l'art devotes an article to my work in its November 2017 magazine: the blog of Miroir de l'art

P By this same magazine: Present in the 500 artists of the year 2017

Biennial of Goms in Ouche  April / May 2018)

June 2018: Espace Christiane Peugeot : Milo Dias retrospective

Salon Figuration Critique: October 2018

October 2018 Nottingham...Harrington Mill studios/35 Gamble gallery

spring 2019: member of the Taylor Foundation

April 2019 Honfleur salt cellars

S September/October: Factory in Zabu  (27)

September/October: Château de la Chaussée (Brain sur Allonnes 49)

October 2019: Critical Figuration

November  2019: THV Le Havre


2020 : Corona virus obliges....Exhibitions  spring events canceled or postponed (International Biennial of Châlon en Champagne... International Art Meetings in Le Havre and Contre Courant at the Honfleur Salt Greniers)

September October  2020 Artcité in Fontenay sous bois

October: from 3 to 12:  Figurative destructuralism at the floral park in Paris

           from 14 to 18: Critical Figuration


*from May 29 to July 25: The Factory in Zabu (27)

*From September 9 to September 18: artists' journey to Robert Kéramsi's studio (33)

*From September 16 to October 17: 20 years of Artcité in Fontenay sous bois

*October 9 to 24: Biennial of Châlons in Champagne, at the abbey of Vinetz

* From October 13 to 17: Critical Figuration (Paris)  


February 15 to 20: Comparaison....Grand Palais, Expressions hors les Normes group

of  April 13 to 17: artygolf 78 Bougival

from April 27 to May 5: Honfleur Contre Courant trade show 

From 3/09 to 23/10 personal exhibition Notre Dame de Gravenchon arcade gallery  76


Le carton d'invitation du MAC
Invitation au vernissage expo Denis Blondel
500 artistes à suivre, parmi lesquels Denis Blondel


Février Salon Comparaisons au grand Palais, groupe  Expression hors normes

Mars/avril : Galerie 2023 à Lons le Saunier

Avril : Honfleur greniers à sel Contre Courtant

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